
Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Sheen’

I was talking to my buddy this afternoon when I was alerted to an incoming call. I put Patrick on hold and pushed the “Answer” button. It was Charlie Sheen! Holy crap! He was as clear as a bell. I knew it was really him. And he knew my daughter and had met Ker and her husband at a ball game in Kelowna, B.C. Before I knew it I was answering his questions! I was talking to Charlie Sheen!!! My oldest daughter Keri-Lynn had not phoned me on Father’s Day and Charlie was helping her out. It was perfect and I fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

It took me a minute to realise that it was a recorded message. But I loved it! The smooth quality of the delivery and the fact that it came as a phone call absolutely astounded me. Much better than the “free” cards to kids from Santa Claus at Christmas, Charlie left me grinning from ear to ear.  Apparently, it cost $3.99 – a small price to pay for the thrill I experienced. When I called Ker and told her how I was completely sucked in, she roared with laughter. That was also worth the small price of admission.

She said that she didn’t know which celebrity to choose from but when she came across Charlie, she pounced. She must have known I loved Two and a Half Men.  It was absolutely brilliant!

With all the problems Charlie has been having lately, it might be tough to find it on the web. These days, I’m probably the only one that appreciates the joke. I guess you had to be there.

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